Saturday, August 28, 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Title: Confessions of a Shopaholic
Author: Sophie Kinsella
My Rating: 5 Books
Review: I found this book to be a very enjoyable and fast read. I wish I had read it awhile ago. The situations the main character gets herself into are hilarious and the way she "justifies" her spending is even better! I could definitely see myself, somewhat, in the main character. Who hasn't wanted to do/buy something they really wanted, but shouldn't and came up with a way to justify it, even if it was a long stretch?

Don't not read it just because you think you're a shopaholic and that it will make you feel bad about your expenditures - if anything, it will make you feel better, knowing that there could be someone worse than you. The main character goes far beyond anything that you could ever imagine!

Who knows, maybe you'll see yourself in this character and will be able to come to realization about your shopping habits and find a way to change them.

A must read!

Where to purchase: Barnes and Noble, Amazon

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